cover image: Written Submission for the


Written Submission for the

28 Sep 2023

The Canadian Chamber continues to urge the government to focus on growth driven by the private sector: many of the measures included in our submission, including regulatory reform, and dismantling internal barriers, will cost little or nothing, but will generate future wealth and investment. [...] Government must look to ease the regulatory burden facing Canadian business, and work with industry and our international trading partners to ensure regulatory efficiency and alignment. [...] This is important for Canadians across the country to access wireless services and benefit from deployment of 5G networks, utilize the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) and AI, and for Canadian businesses to remain globally competitive. [...] Partner with businesses on research, product development and the commercialization of the agri-food sector, while developing policy mechanisms and supports to incentivize private-sector research and development investment. [...] These can be leveraged to address gaps in the workforce and should be complemented by supports addressing barriers to hiring highly skilled foreign talent, enhancements to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, and a pathway to permanent residency for agriculture and food workers.


Pascal Chan

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