cover image: Gender Equality Plan 2022-2025 Introductory explanation Framework for the adoption of the Gender Equality Plan 2022-2025.


Gender Equality Plan 2022-2025 Introductory explanation Framework for the adoption of the Gender Equality Plan 2022-2025.

27 Sep 2023

Based on Articles 51 and 81 of the Statute of the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (from December 16, 2013), and in accordance with the proposal of the Commission for the Development of the Gender Equality Plan, the Management Council of the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies at its 9th session held on June 14, 2022. [...] Following the key documents of the European Union and national legislation, within the given internal framework, the Institute approaches the analysis of needs and the implementation of the Plan through gender mainstreaming and intersectionality. [...] For the purpose of creating the Plan, by Decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute (class: 007-03/22-05/11, registration number: 09/01-22/1 dated May 12, 2022), the Commission for the preparation of proposals for the Gender Equality Plan was established (in hereinafter: Commission). [...] One representative for scientists, one for expert advisors and one for expert services was appointed to the Committee, in order to enable a comprehensive approach to the creation of the Plan, respecting the diversity and specificities of the positions in the Institute. [...] In the context of the creation and adoption of the Plan and the implementation of activities aimed at achieving the highest possible level of gender equality, the following documents are relevant: Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (from June 7, 2016) 1 Strategy for gender equality of the Council of Europe from 2018 to 2023 (as of March 7, 2018) Communication from the Commission t.


Natasha Levak

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