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IWGIA Self-determination, territorial autonomy and access to justice 2023 EN

14 Sep 2023

According to the minutes of the meeting drafted by FNEEI, the Minister of Education mentioned the creation of the Special Secretary of Schooling that depends on the Ministry of Education and Culture, the creation of the first Indigenous University of Brazil, and the call for a Competitive Public Examination open for Indigenous professors to be hired in universities and educational establishments i. [...] 14 SELF-DETERMINATION, TERRITORIAL AUTONOMY AND ACCESS TO JUSTICE: INSIGHTS INTO THE SITUATION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN BRAZIL FROM THE INDIGENOUS NAVIGATOR interpreter, preferably part of the same Indigenous community, in every stage of the proceedings where the Indigenous individual appears.17 With the purpose of evaluating the correlation between the conduct and the values of the community that. [...] SELF-DETERMINATION, TERRITORIAL AUTONOMY AND ACCESS TO JUSTICE: INSIGHTS INTO THE SITUATION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN BRAZIL FROM THE INDIGENOUS NAVIGATOR 17 INDIGENOUS CONSULTATION AND CONSENT PROTOCOLS The elaboration of Indigenous Consultation and Consent Protocols (ICCP) is a manifestation of the Indigenous desire to be sovereign and independent from the guardianship of the State, their will to. [...] It is the case of the road BR-319 that connect Manaus and Porto Velho,23 or the case of the electric transmission line that crosses the Waimiri-Atroati Indigenous Land (Roraima),24 or even the case of the construction project of the Ferrogrão train that will unite the cities of Sinop in Mato Grosso with Itaituba, in Pará State,25 and also the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plan. [...] The Measure provides for the basic organization of the organs within the Executive Branch, the Presidency and the ministries, and it allowed the creation of the MPI.
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