cover image: B - e the disruptor: Victoria’s opportunity to up-end the property market in favour of fairness


B - e the disruptor: Victoria’s opportunity to up-end the property market in favour of fairness

9 Oct 2023

The situa8on has reached a fever pitch for homeowners and renters, and this crisis must be the catalyst for a fundamental shiA in the rental and broader housing market through bold reform. [...] Summary The Legal and Social Issues Commi+ee’s Inquiry into the Rental and Housing Affordability Crisis in Victoria will inves8gate challenges facing the state’s renters and factors causing the rental and housing affordability crisis. [...] This submission focuses on how the Victorian Government can be the disruptor – that is, how the government can use policy and legisla8ve changes to shiA the ways in which rental and property markets operate to promote affordability. [...] THE cKell 8 MInstit ute Part 2: Optimising the planning and development system Key Points • The planning scheme is the heaviest lever a state government has for driving social and economic change through the built environment. [...] Surplus government-owned land needs to be inves0gated for its housing suitability first and foremost The Victorian Budget 2023/24 has flagged a new approach to land use planning, paving the way for increased density and op8mising under-used government-owned land.17 The McKell Ins8tute Victoria welcomed investment into the Land Coordinator General func8on, based in the Department of Premier and Cab.


Rebecca Thistleton

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