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11 Oct 2023

Sectoral Mix Total VA and employment of manufacturing SMEs, the share of each country in the global manufacturing value-added, SMEs in the manufacturing sector contribution towards employment, the composition of various types of goods produced, and percentage share of manufacturing SMEs and employment in the total industrial sector. [...] Scope and Limitation Scope To support the project in preparing map-out recommendations and way forward for increasing the resource efficiency of SMEs, aligning the operations with national endeavors to meet the SDGs, and enabling Cambodia to meet the dual objectives of developing the SMEs and meeting the SDGs. [...] It is obvious that the number of registered SMEs has increased over the last several years, and the pattern is expected to continue as Cambodia becomes increasingly linked to the economies of both ASEAN and the rest of the world. [...] The number of licenses and inspections depends on the nature of the business, the size of the operation, and the business location. [...] The administration and enforcement of the Labor Law lie with the MoLVT and the Department of Labor and Vocational Training at the local and provincial levels.
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