cover image: Activism and Advocacy as a Researcher - Cat Acheson*; Chyna Dixon*; Franziska Hoerbst**; Sean Irving*; Natasha Senior*; Nickhil Sharma** *University of East Anglia, **John Innes Centre Norwich Research Park, **University of Manchester


Activism and Advocacy as a Researcher - Cat Acheson*; Chyna Dixon*; Franziska Hoerbst**; Sean Irving*; Natasha Senior*; Nickhil Sharma** *University of East Anglia, **John Innes Centre Norwich Research Park, **University of Manchester

16 Oct 2023

As researchers, we are governments are acting in direct opposition to scientific often thrust into the role of activists, as the dissemination of advice and their own legal commitments on climate change ‘objective data’ is a highly politicized act. [...] We believe that engaging with civic research and activism, while reflecting upon the ways in activism and advocacy outside of academia must now be which participating in everyday life and research often considered a valid and morally important role for means participating in power structures that are researchers. [...] “Activism is my rent for living on the planet” (–Alice In this panel, we address the question of how we, as Walker) scientists, researchers, and teachers, can move beyond our traditional roles in the Academy and contribute directly to Question: What challenges have you faced [as a researcher local and global struggles for climate justice. [...] This is why we’re forced to turn to activism.” Lastly, panelists spoke about the need to Panel Response: engage in the politics of citations, and to be critically aware There needs to be more space within research practice to of who we, as climate researchers, work with and speak with, disseminate the results of activism-based research. [...] There are power structures that we are up against, but researchers from the Global North to remember that UK there are also power structures that we are within, including slogans cannot simply be ‘copy and pasted’ to contexts the constant risk of extraction of radical thought into the within the Global South.



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