cover image: News release - Data for Governance Alliance confronts unconstitutional changes of government, calls for efforts to sustain democracy


News release - Data for Governance Alliance confronts unconstitutional changes of government, calls for efforts to sustain democracy

21 Oct 2023

One of the key aims of the convening is to foster a better understanding of Africans' views of unconstitutional changes of government and proactively address the threats of de- democratization in certain countries, with attendant risks to peace, stability, and socioeconomic development. [...] “This plethora of challenges require that African citizens join hands with their regional and sub regional bodies to fight for an improved and better continent.” About 35 representatives of AU member organs and West African CSOs participated in the convening in Accra, receiving hands-on training on evidence-based advocacy planning and the use of empirical data in pursuing their advocacy goals. [...] The project is led by Afrobarometer with partners including the Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), the Institute for Development Studies at the University of Nairobi, the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, and Laws. [...] Website: The Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), based in Accra, Ghana, focuses on the promotion of democracy, good governance, and economic openness in Ghana and Africa through investments in research and advocacy, outreach, and strategic dialogues and engagements within and between government, private sector, and other key actors. [...] Africa develops legal technology solutions and digitises and publishes high-quality and accurate African government gazettes, updated legislation, and case law to partners and audiences in Africa and the world.
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