cover image: October 2023 · Julia Hess and Jan-Peter Kleinhans - Chip Diplomacy - Analysis of technology


October 2023 · Julia Hess and Jan-Peter Kleinhans - Chip Diplomacy - Analysis of technology

26 Oct 2023

Immediately after the EU published its “Strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific” in September 20211— which explicitly mentions chips and the need to cooperate with Japan, Taiwan, and the Republic of Korea (ROK) for supply chain resilience—Thierry Breton visited Japan and the ROK on his “Tech and Chips Tour.”2 The US and EU are increasingly seeking technology partnerships in this field with As. [...] Based on a statement by the Taiwanese Foreign Ministry, the “US-East Asia Semiconductor Supply Chain Resilience Working Group” held a meeting on 16 February 2023, and the focus of “the participating quartet at the meeting was mainly on how to maintain the resilience of the semiconductor supply chain and explore the possible future cooperation directions of all parties.”10 It is unlikely that the f. [...] A dedicated working group was set up and assigned the following task: “to focus on advancing respective supply chain resilience and security of supply in key sectors for the green and digital transition and for securing the protection of our citizens.”15 The goal was to “initially focus on short-term supply chain issues.”16 In the second (May 2022, Paris)17 and third (December 2022, Maryland)18 me. [...] Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) and the India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA), “will make recommendations to the Department of Commerce and the India Semiconductor Mission on opportunities and challenges to overcome in order to further strengthen India’s role within the global semiconductor value chain, and will also provide input to the U. [...] The sincerity of the agreement was confirmed by the convening of a roundtable with industry experts to “discuss current and long-term supply chain challenges, as well as opportunities for the two nations and the global economy.” [MY-US2] At the time of writing, no further statements or press releases about the progress or additional outcomes of this partnership seem to be available.
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