cover image: Natural Resources Wales


Natural Resources Wales

23 Oct 2023

Our new values We are proud to serve the people of Wales by being: • Connected: we value our deep-rooted attachment to the land and water, nature and communities of Wales and build meaningful partnerships • Bold: we use our voice, take action to make a difference and lead by example • Caring: we listen to understand, care for each other and the communities we serve, and the environment we all depe. [...] The most significant component is the value of the forest estate and biological assets which accounts for £2,235million of the total and the strong valuation of the crops on the estate was the main reason for the large increase. [...] The collaborative and integrated ways of working and suite of strategies and projects enables the partnership to contribute to the resilience of our natural resources, providing vital health and well-being benefits for current and future generations across the region - aligning with and delivering the Well-being of Future Generations Act and Environment Act locally and the landscape to regional-sc. [...] The Chief Executive’s responsibilities as Accounting Officer are the propriety and regularity of the public finances for which she is answerable; the keeping of proper accounts; prudent and economical administration; avoidance of waste and extravagance; and the efficient and effective use of all the resources as set out in the Memorandum for the Accounting Officer for NRW. [...] The role of SID was introduced to support the Chair in his role; to act as an intermediary for other non-executive directors when necessary; to lead the non-executive directors in the oversight of the Chair and to ensure there is a clear division of responsibility between the Chair and Chief Executive.
Published in
United Kingdom
