cover image: Horizon Europe guarantee guidance


Horizon Europe guarantee guidance

20 Oct 2023

If UK applicants to calls eligible for the guarantee reach a point where they are required to sign the grant agreement before the EU has formalised the UK’s association, then the process to follow will depend on the nature of the European grant applied for: Consortium-style grants For consortium-style grants, the guarantee is in place to fund eligible UK participants’ roles in these projects. [...] The UK partner will be required to provide proof of the successful grant to UKRI and undertake the steps outlined in this document, and UKRI will provide the UK partner’s share of the funding under the guarantee. [...] Can I move parts of my grant applied for outside of the UK to the UK and claim funding from the guarantee? If you are part of a multi-beneficiary consortium that is eligible for the guarantee and wish to relocate some of your project tasks to the UK (for example, a researcher is moving to a UK institution and wants to take their part of the grant with them or a partner withdraws from the project a. [...] The IFS conversion tool has been updated to add a funding % column, what does this mean? The funding level (%) column in the Finances summary section of the IFS application relates to the percentage of the total grant amount that you will receive from the guarantee, not the percentage of the total project costs that you were awarded by the EU. [...] 25 We have added a call condition to the Je-S guarantee calls to enable this: ‘Notwithstanding RGC 5.2 (in the standard UKRI research grant T&Cs), the start date of the Grant may precede the start date shown in the Offer Letter, and can also be earlier than the issue date of the Offer Letter itself.’ This call condition is included in the Grant Offer Letter.


Clemency Hitchings - UKRI

Published in
United Kingdom
