cover image: ESRC - Equality Impact Assessment for Outline and Full Panel Stage of Call - Question Response


ESRC - Equality Impact Assessment for Outline and Full Panel Stage of Call - Question Response

19 Oct 2023

The costs of additional childcare for grantholders, beyond that required to meet the normal contracted requirements of the job, and that are directly related to the project, may be requested as a directly incurred cost if the institutional policy is to reimburse them. [...] The panel chair will restate considerations of unconscious bias by briefing the panel at the start of the meeting. [...] The panel chair will restate considerations of unconscious bias by briefing the panel at the start of the meeting. [...] Final member, a research decisions take into applicant) has a account trying to balance particular gender the panels by gender and geography and seek to Use of language can ensure a diversity of present a barrier to career stage and participation and it institutions. [...] caring responsibilities The panel chair will restate considerations of unconscious bias by briefing the panel at the start of the meeting.


Lucy Currie (EPSRC)

Published in
United Kingdom

