cover image: Trusted Regional Partnerships at a Time of Shifting Alliances 2023 Arab-Israel-Africa Summit - Conference Highlights


Trusted Regional Partnerships at a Time of Shifting Alliances 2023 Arab-Israel-Africa Summit - Conference Highlights

12 Jun 2023

These point squarely to the power of our good will to re-sketch the boundaries of our political maps and our imaginations, and to the potential of collaboration to leverage the best of our abilities towards solutions that safeguard the future of all our people. [...] Collaboration and friendship between Israel and the countries in the Middle East and Africa is of the utmost importance to Jewish leaders in the United States. [...] While the Abraham Accords marked the beginning of a process to legitimize Israel and integrate Israel into the region, I don't see that happening on the Palestinian side, despite the signing of the Oslo Accords. [...] It's being done through a campaign of incitement in the mosques, in the media, in the rhetoric on the campuses, on the streets. [...] We have the impact of the Shiites in Nigeria trying to form counter administrations in the northern part of the country, questioning the sitting governments.



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