cover image: Investing in Rural America: Corporate Citizenship and Rural Communities


Investing in Rural America: Corporate Citizenship and Rural Communities

26 Oct 2023

Environmental, Social & Governance Center Investing in Rural America: Corporate Citizenship and Rural Communities By making corporate citizenship investments in rural America—often overlooked in national discussions about economic and social development—companies can advance their social and environmental goals, generate tangible business returns, and help bridge the urban-rural divide in a polari. [...] For example, the “African American South” refers to a belt of communities that runs from Virginia down through Texas and is home to a large Black population, while “Rural Middle America” refers to a large collection of small towns with predominantly White populations that run across the northern half of the country.2 3 Investing in Rural America: Corporate Citizenship and Rural Communities Confere. [...] Black people are the largest rural population of color in the lowland South, while rural Latino and Hispanic populations have grown quickly along the Pacific Coast and the oil and gas-rich High Plains. [...] 6 Investing in Rural America: Corporate Citizenship and Rural Communities about:blank Environmental, Social & Governance Center To improve familiarity and engagement with rural areas, CEOs and senior leaders can consider: • Actively recruiting and developin. [...] For example, McKesson partners with educational institutions to train and retain pharmacists and pharmacy workers in rural areas, recognizing that the pharmacist has become the primary health care provider and first line of defense in remote rural areas.


Andy Jones

Published in
United States of America