cover image: Survey of Likely Republican Primary Election Voters


Survey of Likely Republican Primary Election Voters

10 Oct 2023

For each of the following, please indicate if you have heard of the person, and if you have, whether you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of them. [...] If the 2024 Republican primary election for Governor was held today, and you had to make a choice, who would you vote for out of the following options? Freq. [...] Would you support or oppose term limits for the leaders of the North Carolina General Assembly, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the state Senate? Freq. [...] How many terms do you think should be the maximum limit for the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the state House and the President Pro Tempore of the state Senate? Freq. [...] % 0 of 4 10 1.6% 1 of 4 179 29.9% 2 of 4 153 25.6% 3 of 4 147 24.5% 4 of 4 110 18.4% Total 600 100.0% 31.


Brent Buchanan

Published in
United States of America