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Ontario Budgeting: - Darkening Clouds Raise Stakes for Fall Economic Statement

25 Oct 2023

With the ended with a much higher deficit than previous election out of the way and the estimated in the spring 2023 Budget and next one well into the future, political represents a downside risk to the fiscal attention would be at an electoral cycle plan for 2023-24 and beyond. [...] That is to say, the revenues, the cost of provincial HST emphasis of the fall economic statement relief for new rental housing construction, should be an update of the government’s and the government’s decision to cover economic and fiscal projections. [...] The commitment to the 2024 Budget, which would be the providing the update on November 2 – appropriate time to reconsider (and possibly well before the November 15 deadline adjust) the fiscal plan. [...] Clear the government should be transparent transparency about the previously about the impact of developments in the six mentioned risks to the fiscal plan is also months since the 2023 Ontario Budget. [...] Being seen as effective managers The government should also provide of the province’s finances can also be a further information on the review of helpful step towards recovering credibility the provincial tax system outlined in in the context of the Greenbelt scandal.
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