cover image: Towards responsible publishing: a proposal from cOAlition S


Towards responsible publishing: a proposal from cOAlition S

30 Oct 2023

To understand if the proposal outlined here resonates with the community of researchers, cOAlition S with support from Research Consulting Limited in partnership with the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) will embark on a consultative process that offers researchers the opportunity to voice their opinions and contribute to the development of a proposal that serves their needs. [...] The current state of publishing thus threatens the well-being and persistence of the next generation of scientists in academic research. [...] Because this social process of dissemination and discourse thrives on the largest possible participation and knowledge exchange, research funding and performing organisations promote the concept of “open science”: research and society are best served if research results are shared openly and as early as possible. [...] Table 1: Activities funders and institutions could take to support the establishment of a scholar-led communications ecosystem [ 7 ] 8 CONSULTATION The overarching aims of this consultation are to: determine to what extent the vision, mission and principles set out in the draft proposal serve the needs of the research community – including researchers who are funded by cOAlition S funders and thos. [...] The purpose of the reviewing process is to help the author improve the paper and to enable readers to put the work into context of the published literature.


Maria Karatzia

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