cover image: Integrated Country Strategy PANAMA - FOR PUBLIC RELEASE


Integrated Country Strategy PANAMA - FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

10 Nov 2022

citizens and businesses; - Strengthening the security of the United States, Panama, and the region; - Promoting sustainable economic growth; - Enhancing democratic institutions and improving the rule of law; and - Maintaining the United States’ position as Panama’s preferred partner. [...] • Mission Objective 5.2: By 2026, the Embassy effectively prioritizes and facilitates Panamanians’ understanding of global, regional, and multilateral issues of importance to the Panamanian government, opinion leaders, and people so they better understand their relevance for Panama and cooperate with the U. [...] Panama will showcase its leadership on energy and environmental protection as the host of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) ministerial in 2022 and the Our Ocean Conference in 2023. [...] Mission Panama will invest in exchanges and programming to support education and training across Panama’s provinces and provide technical assistance to help Panama make the investment climate more transparent and predictable, and in line with the TPA. [...] An undereducated workforce may deter investment and limit employment opportunities, and economic divisions between rich and poor -- and between Panama City and the rest of the country -- could become starker.
Published in
United States of America