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Working with Number 10 - How to work with Number 10

23 Oct 2023

Steve Brine Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health and Primary Care (2017–19) How to work with Number 10 The prime minister is the face of government and sets its strategic direction, but their residence and office at 10 Downing Street is a small organisation that must work principally through larger line departments which have the resources to develop and deliver policy. [...] Together they support the prime minister in their everyday duties, help them to establish and oversee the government’s overall strategy and policy priorities, and communicate these to parliament and the public. [...] Lord Hunt Minister of state for energy and climate change (2008–10) 2 WORKING WITH NUMBER 10 When are you likely to work with Number 10? There are three main situations in which you can expect to work with Number 10: • The prime minister’s priority policies – Number 10 may seek to shape and oversee a department’s approach to policies which are of particular interest to the prime minister, such as. [...] They’re there It isn’t just the relationships in the department that count, you to advise and to tell and to help assist have to set up clear relationships, understanding clearance to you. [...] John Healey Minister of state for housing and planning (2009–10) Sir Patrick McLoughlin Chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster (2016–18) 4 WORKING WITH NUMBER 10 Questions to ask yourself To ensure you are able to work with Number 10 as effectively as possible, consider the following questions: • Does the prime minister have particular priorities relevant to your brief? What are they? • What do you.
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