cover image: Time to Transform - CHEMICAL SECTOR TRENDS BRIEFING - October 2023

Time to Transform - CHEMICAL SECTOR TRENDS BRIEFING - October 2023

24 Oct 2023

Ongoing and intensifying external regulation—which addresses the production and use hand, the EU and European governments are pressuring pressure will force it to move much further in the next of chemical substances and their potential impacts companies to phase out single-use plastics and per- and few years. [...] However, will enable the sector developing level, reducing the negative impacts of chemical products innovation is a foundational aspect of the chemical new products, by taking a holistic and processes on human health and the environment, industry and already there are cutting-edge processes being implemented to reduce harmful impacts—from lifecycle approach to sustainability, and lessening and so. [...] A survey undertaken by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) impact the availability and cost of energy for the showed that the production of raw materials needed to chemical sector. [...] Chemical Sector Trends Briefing trEND 4 timE to commit to thE NExt phasE oN thE roaD to NEt ZEro 17 Many governments have implemented “With the fast increasing WHAT TO EXPECT: policies and targets to reduce carbon environmental, social, and societal The slow but steady turn to decarbonized emissions, all in support of the net zero pressures, business leaders in the feedstocks transition. [...] This is because of From fossil fuel hog to renewable energy competition between the chemical and energy sectors for Successful Green Alternatives: biomass supply, complex supply chains for biomass with trailblazer • NatureWorks, a bioplastics and biomaterials diverse feedstock, and competition with the food and The chemical industry plays a key role in the company, converts plants to capture and s.

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