cover image: A S U M M A RY F O R



27 Sep 2019

The mammal Within this indicator, more It is widely accepted that most of the global 2020 The State of Nature 2019 report presents an overview partnership consists of over nature across the UK and in and freshwater species shows indicator shows little change species have decreased than the UK’s biodiversity had targets it committed to report showcases a wide of how the nation’s wildlife 70 partner. [...] initiatives, with partnerships 50 years of monitoring institutes, and the UK and and at the scale of the UK’s 1970, and has fallen by 6% has been driven by recovery and 21% have increased in management changes, delivering inspiring results to to see how nature has The pressures that have national governments. [...] Since 1970, 41% Our statistics demonstrate The State of Nature 2019 in the light of the pressures numbers of wintering increased in distribution, with up by 26% since 2010/11 decade, and whether things state of nature in the UK, of species have decreased that the abundance and report highlights agricultural on nature and the responses waterbirds. [...] Many measures urbanisation, pollution, breeding species; the total the proportion of species expenditure on biodiversity, that are acting upon The State of Nature 2019 in the UK State of Nature change. [...] Over the past 10 suggest this decline has woodland management and number of breeding birds defined as showing strong as a proportion of GDP, has nature, and the responses report uses data collected by 2019 report: years, 44% of species have continued in the most recent invasive non-native species as in the UK fell by 44 million changes in distribution – either fallen by 42% since a peak in being m.
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