cover image: STATE OF NATURE SCOTLAND 2023


21 Sep 2023

• The average change in abundance decline in species’ increase in the in plant and Of the many tens of thousands of or distribution over time abundance distributions lichen species in Scotland, from microbes to • The proportion of species at risk of For 407 terrestrial and of invertebrate distributions trees, we have up-to-date, systematic extinction from the country freshwater species, species Si. [...] The blanket bogs of Caithness Nature reports have delivered a powerful and Sutherland store 400 million tonnes Humanity’s best and most up-to-date global assessment of the state shared evidence-base across government, of carbon, and Scotland’s peatlands extend of the living world is the UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy business, academia and the voluntary across many other parts of the country. [...] Initial in agricultural management, for example estimates suggest a decline in occupied Great the increased use of herbicides and artificial Skua territories of well over a half in Foula, fertilisers, and also the abandonment Shetland, which is the largest colony of this of small-scale cropping around crofts species in the world111 and seabird population in northern and western areas. [...] In snow lies late in the spring and summer, if successful, the project will demonstrate a phenomenon known as ‘shifting baselines’, causing declines of some Scottish mountain the feasibility and potentially significant The most recent estimate of the global each new generation views the world in plants, such as Alpine Lady-fern and Alpine benefits of ecosystem restoration in BII is 77% 18 which me. [...] for achieving the eight objectives of the UK Fisheries Act 2020 and are developing some support for the creation of new woodland areas need to be effectively and equitably In National Parks, natural and cultural and the sustainable management of existing managed, ecologically representative and heritage is supposed to take priority if there of the key elements including Fisheries woodland.

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