cover image: BRIEFING - Emission reductions and public health benefits from timely Euro 7


BRIEFING - Emission reductions and public health benefits from timely Euro 7

8 Nov 2023

This briefing updates two previous ICCT analyses10 of the EC’s Euro 7 proposal to show the emission reductions and resultant health benefits of the timely adoption of the Euro 7 proposal, the additional benefits of adopting more stringent emission limits, and the risks of delaying the standards in line with the recommendations from the ENVI committee. [...] The health benefits of the Euro 7 proposal and increased stringency scenarios are calculated relative to the Euro 6 baseline, a case where LDVs compliant with Euro 6e and HDVs compliant with Euro VI-E will be sold through 2050.14 Emissions and health impacts of a 1–5 year delay are calculated relative to the Euro 7 proposal, thus showing the marginal impact a delay would have on the proposal’s ben. [...] For HDVs, the durability requirements are also modeled in line with the proposal, assuming no deterioration until the end of the normal lifetime of the vehicle of the lesser of 15 years or 700,000 km mileage. [...] This scenario models the effect of increasing the stringency of the EC’s proposed Euro 7 based on the policy option recommended by the Euro 7 impact assessment. [...] To account for the average age of LDVs in the EU and to align with international best practice, we assume for this scenario a normal lifetime of 10 years and an extended lifetime of up to 15 years, based on the outcome of an earlier ICCT Euro 7 assessment.29 Using the same approach as described for the Euro 7 proposal scenario, we adjusted the aging multiplier curve to reflect the emissions factor.
Published in
United States of America
