cover image: 21st Century: Borders... scars of history or wounds of the present?


21st Century: Borders... scars of history or wounds of the present?

6 Sep 2023

One of the photos that went round the world at the beginning of the Second World War - and as a materialisation of the start of the war - was that of German army troops tearing down the barrier of a crossing point on the Polish border. [...] The Sykes-Pîcot (secret) agreement between the UK and France on 16 May 1916, with the knowledge of Russia and within the framework of the First World War, divided the possessions of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East into areas of influence, ending up largely defining, following the post-First World War San Remo agreement of 1920, the current borders of the states in that region. [...] More novel (albeit also based on claims already made in the past) is a proposal to redefine borders in the US on the basis of the environment31, on the reality of the nature of the terrain and existing resources - especially water resources - so that the divisions are more functional, and so that the political reality corresponds more accurately to the reality on the ground, as opposed to on the b. [...] By way of example, the awarding of the Nobel Prize for literature to Austrian Peter Handke, who is still accused by part of the intellectual community of not having demonised Serbia during the wars of Yugoslavia's disintegration - as was the tone of the majority of the narrative of the time - has generated such a level36 of acts of boycott and rejection of the nomination that, as an article37point. [...] scars of history or wounds of the present? Pedro Sánchez Herráez The more the merrier? So-called "Balkanisation", the "dismemberment of a country into opposing communities or territories"40, constituted the "solution" that the Directory of Powers, the group of powerful European nations that in the 19th century governed the destinies of a large part of the planet, used as a way of trying to avoid,.
border, globalisation, states, populations, geopolitics, integration, secession.


Pedro Sánchez Herráez

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