cover image: Smuggling of migrants- Malawi - Justice Fiona A Mwale


Smuggling of migrants- Malawi - Justice Fiona A Mwale

5 Oct 2023

356 of 2019, Republic v Richard Jeremia, FGM Mchinji • 4 counts of trafficking in persons contrary to section 14(1) of the TIPA • Fraudulently trafficked 4 persons for the purposes of exploitation in Zambia • The trial court acquitted the accused on all 4 counts because although the 4 complainants were intercepted at the border to Zambia without travel documentation with the purposes of getting jo. [...] The 6 th and 7 th accused pe rsons re c rui t ed the vi c t ims fo r fa rm work in Zambia , t he 1 st ac cused was the i nst i ga tor who pa id the o the r two to re c rui t t he vi c t ims. [...] • Howeve r, t hey we re soon int e rcepted by the po l i c e and on the way to the po l i c e st a t i ons they found 1 st 6 th and 7 th accused on the road, who were a l so apprehended a t t ha t po int. [...] Barbra Mchenga Tsiga, Analysis of the Criminal Justice Response to TIP and trends in the Malawi TIP Jurisprudence, UNODC Malawi, January 2019 Slide 1: Smuggling of migrants- Malawi Slide 2: Malawi - Context Slide 3: What is known about how migrant smugglers are organized and the types of services they provide? Slide 4: What is known about how migrant smugglers are organized and the types of servic. [...] Slide 8: Cases highlighting some of the challenges (technical and attitudinal) Slide 9: Cases highlighting some of the challenges (technical and attitudinal) Slide 10: Cases highlighting some of the challenges (technical and attitudinal) Slide 11: Cases highlighting some of the challenges (technical and attitudinal) Slide 12: Conclusion Slide 13: Recommendations Slide 14: Recommendations Slide 15:.
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