cover image: LEBANON CLEARING THE MINES 2023 16.9 0.22 22,737


LEBANON CLEARING THE MINES 2023 16.9 0.22 22,737

3 Nov 2023

The Lebanon Mine Action Authority (LMAA), funding in 2020 from Norway,24 and then in April 2021, the which has overall responsibility for Lebanon’s mine action Netherlands agreed a three-year contract with UNDP for programme, is the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence international support to LMAC, totalling US$1.5 million.25 and is chaired by the Minister of Defence. [...] The forum aims to March 2018, under the auspices of LMAC, based on meet twice a year, with UNDP designated as the secretariat recommendations of the Mine Action Forum and following the for the Forum.32 In 2021, the Netherlands took over from release of the revised NMAS. [...] on gender and diversity.61 Of the five objectives in the It aims to promote gender and diversity inclusion in all new strategy, the fifth states that: “The specific needs and aspects of the organisations’ work and ensure that the perspective of women, girls, men and boys from all groups implementation of mine action activities is conducted in a of society are considered, in order to deliver an inc. [...] LMAC also acknowledges in the promote the safety and security of mine action personnel and strategy that mine action “is a male-dominated environment to protect the rights and interests of affected communities, and we have therefore a particular responsibility to empower by setting guidelines for the protection of human rights and women and ensure that we have a gender sensitive approach the promo. [...] However, in particular from the EU and the Foreign and Commonwealth 30 January 2020, UNIFIL and LMAC signed a memorandum of Development Office (FCDO), which resulted in closure of understanding (MoU) on Humanitarian Demining, and planned NPA’s sub-base and operations in north-east Lebanon from 155 to work together, with UNIFIL helping the LAF/LMAC clear the end of April 2021.
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