cover image: - - Support Kit for Developing Occupational Safety and Health Legislation


- - Support Kit for Developing Occupational Safety and Health Legislation

14 Dec 2021

This tool responds to the call of the Global Strategy on OSH adopted at the 91st session of the International Labour Conference in 2003 to that asked the ILO to assist to strengthen capacities of constituents to develop, process and disseminate knowledge on the application of international labour standards and national legislation on OSH as a prerequisite for building a preventative culture. [...] The Support Kit aims to meet the needs of governments, employers and workers by informing the legislative process that pursues the development of an OSH normative framework, which specific and responsive to the particular and evolving challenges related to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. [...] 2.3 First international labour standards on OSH 1919 The early OSH instruments of the ILO, adopted in the first decades of the twentieth century, mirrored the overall evolution of the first OSH laws. [...] Despite the burgeoning knowledge base concerning the science and engineering of prevention and control of OSH, there was relatively little change in the nature and orientation of the regulation and control of OSH in the workplace. [...] Furthermore, while the Convention permits the exclusion of certain branches or limited categories of workers1 (such as the self-employed), the CEACR has stated that the instrument 1 The Convention permits, after consultation with the representative organizations of employers and workers, the exclusion of branches “in respect of which special problems of a substantial nature arise” and the exclusio.
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