cover image: Pie in the Sky


Pie in the Sky

16 Sep 2022

The IATA resolution and the plan to implement it do not reflect a serious attempt to bring aviation in line with the scientific facts of climate change and the impact the industry is having on our planet. [...] The impact of using certain waste products for aviation biofuel has been as- sessed by Cerulogy and the International Council on Clean Transportation .29 It found that the result would be increased emissions of CO2 outside the aviation sector for most of them when using the modelling in the EU Commission Globiom report and that none of them complied with the EU requirement of a 65% reduction of gr. [...] The proportion of the population in the UK who took international flights a certain number of times per year (left) and the proportion of total flights by the same groups, right. [...] The problem is not that only the wealthy can fly, rather it is that the wealthy fly a Pie in the Sky – How IATA’s Fly Net Zero 2050 does nothing to save the climate. [...] The resolution and the plan for how to implement it, do not reflect a serious attempt to bring aviation in line with the scientific facts of climate change and the impact the industry is having on our planet.
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United Kingdom