cover image: POLICY BRIEF – No. 13/2023 - A Forward-Thinking Approach to Open Strategic Autonomy


POLICY BRIEF – No. 13/2023 - A Forward-Thinking Approach to Open Strategic Autonomy

8 Nov 2023

Trade data reveals that the total value of EU exports in digital and digitally enabled services to both the US and the rest of the world is roughly equivalent to the total value of EU imports. [...] Nine lines of EU initiatives in sectors deemed “strategic” are intended to improve the resilience and global competitiveness of the EU in these strategic industries.11 The actions proposed by the Spanish Council Presidency include, amongst others, the expansion of native EU production capacities, the monitoring foreign ownership in strategic sectors, contingency plans for shortages, expanding trad. [...] The authors of the report are also critical of the role non-EU companies play in advancing economic development in the EU, claiming that “[t]he presence of foreign companies also poses a challenge to the industrial development of the EU. [...] When calculating the HHI, we include the market share of intra-EU imports and extra-EU exports, but we only sum the square of the market share in EU total imports and extra-EU exports of non-EU countries since we want to identify those products in which the EU is dependent on non-EU countries. [...] Recent trade data reveals that the total value of EU exports in digital and digitally enabled services to the US is roughly equivalent to the total value of EU imports from the US.
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