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UK thinking on AI integration and interaction with nuclear command and

9 Nov 2023

Importantly, experts UK thinking on AI integration and interaction with nuclear command and control, force structure, and decision-making UK thinking on AI integration and interaction with nuclear command and control, force structure, and decision-making 5 specialising in the overlap of AI and NC3 were invited to share their insights at the Committee. [...] “Defence applications for AI stretch from the corporate or business space - the ‘back office’ - to the frontline: helping enhance the speed and efficiency of business processes and support functions; increasing the quality of decision-making and tempo of operations; improving the security and resilience of inter-connected networks; enhancing the mass, persistence, reach and effectiveness of our mi. [...] This regime will recognise the importance of appropriate testing through the lifetime of systems, reflecting the possibility that AI systems continue to learn and adapt their behaviour after deployment”.54 To gain insight into the potential risks associated with AI in both the public and private sectors, particularly in relation to national defence and security, the ‘National AI Strategy’ and the. [...] However, the survey also highlighted that trust in AI is closely linked to trust in the specific organisation(s) using it, and that people recognise the potential benefits of AI, particularly in the health and economic sectors.59 Ethics AI will be employed in an ethical way, ensuring the protection of UK values and retaining the support of its allies and partners, the British citizens, and key sta. [...] The country has supported the continuation of the GGE on LAWS and the adoption of 11 guiding principles on LAWS in 2019, and it has advanced proposals on the elaboration of a document with agreed guidelines and best practices ‘on how states should approach the development and use of emerging technologies in the area of LAWS at each stage of its lifecycle’.62 The proposed document has the goal to a.
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United Kingdom