cover image: Nigeria: Human rights agenda 2023


Nigeria: Human rights agenda 2023

15 Nov 2023

Despite Nigeria’s ratification of human rights treaties and commitments at international and regional level and accompanying obligations to respect, protect, promote and fulfil human rights, the country continues to face worsening human rights crises across its territory. Amnesty International is calling on the Nigerian government to seize this opportunity to end decades of human rights violations and pervasive impunity including by making human rights central to its agenda and ensuring that they are not suppressed. The government must demonstrate its commitment to human rights by taking concrete actions on the proposed recommendations in this agenda as a matter of priority.
nigeria children research censorship and freedom of expression unlawful killings sexual violence armed conflict death penalty disappearances corporate accountability report exploitation of natural resources
Index Number
AFR 44/7157/2023
Published in
United Kingdom

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