cover image: Inadvertently Arming China? One Year On - The Chinese military complex and its exploitation of scientific


Inadvertently Arming China? One Year On - The Chinese military complex and its exploitation of scientific

16 Oct 2022

This research paper should be viewed in the context of China’s stated aim to equal the US military by 2027; and to use advanced military technology to leapfrog the US by 2049, the centenary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). [...] At its simplest, for the UK government and taxpayer to continually fund and assist the technological development and the force-projection capabilities of the Chinese military is not in the British national interest. [...] Xi’s adherence to the concept of the ‘100-year marathon’, a strategic attempt to become the global hegemon by 2049, the centenary of the founding of the PRC is shared by the CCP’s elite, the so-called Wolf Warriors. [...] The second section of research, in Chapter Three, provides detailed case studies of specific research collaborations; the nature of the work itself, the backgrounds of the individuals involved (i.e., from which Chinese institutions); the funding agencies; and how that research can be (and is) utilised for defence research and military applications. [...] Regarding the December 2021 Lithium-Ion battery research project, the University of Cambridge stated that the Chinese postdoctoral research associate is no longer at Cambridge at the time of writing (September 2022), and that the research for this project was not conducted at Cambridge, and that the paper was published after they had left.


Robert Clark

Published in
United Kingdom
