cover image: Working Paper No. 2023-25 - Increasing the acceptability of carbon taxation:


Working Paper No. 2023-25 - Increasing the acceptability of carbon taxation:

22 Nov 2023

In particular, the considerable reduction in strong opposition toward carbon taxation (both initially and in the follow-up) – representing an upward shift in the lower end of the policy preference distribution – could be interpreted as shift in the Overton window, i.e., the range of acceptable discourse. [...] Furthermore, we systematically collect predictions of academic experts (DellaVi- gna and Pope, 2018) to evaluate the discrepancy between the wisdom of the crowd and the actual effectiveness of specific information interventions in the climate policy domain. [...] For political economy considerations, the full distribution of views in the population matters, so we examine the effects of the video interventions not only on the share of individuals who support the policy, but also on the share of individuals who strongly oppose it. [...] Note that this only includes subjects in the Policy and Norm+Policy groups, as the other sub- jects watched the placebo video on the history of plastic instead.15 Compared to the cli- 14We also detect a weakly significant increase in the share of respondents saying the video was too long, which is perhaps unsurprising given that the video with norm info was indeed about half a minute longer. [...] In our own study, more than half of the subjects in the Control and Norm groups agree to the banning statement and more than 7 out of 10 subjects agree to the funding statement.


Paul Simpkins

Published in
United Kingdom
