cover image: Volume I, Issue 44 | - November 1, 2023


Volume I, Issue 44 | - November 1, 2023

1 Nov 2023

DPG is deeply committed to the growth of India’s national power and purpose, the security and prosperity of the people of India and India’s contributions to the global public good. [...] During the meeting, Foreign Minister Saud highlighted the development priorities of Nepal in the context of the country’s graduation from the least developed country group and called for enhanced support from the United States in the areas of trade and investment, market access, food security, and IT sector, among others. [...] The first-ever visit to China by Bhutanese Foreign Minister Thandi Dorji in October 2023 paved the way for the 25th round of boundary talks leading to the signing of a Cooperation Agreement on the “Responsibilities and Functions of the Joint Technical Team (JTT) on the Delimitation and Demarcation of the Bhutan-China Boundary.” This advances their 3-Step Roadmap initiated in 2021 for border resolu. [...] The 3-Step Roadmap involves first agreeing to the border “on the table,” then visiting the sites on the ground; and then formally demarcating the boundary. [...] The Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry urged the officials of the two countries to boost facilities for the traders on the two sides.


Raj Kumar Shahi

Published in
