To understand the powers and duties that local authorities hold to deliver clean air we have undertaken a systematic desk-based review, interviewed a range of local government officers IPPR | Unlocking local action on clean air 9 and councillors, and engaged with stakeholders with expert knowledge of local government and air quality. [...] The financial arrangement for the CAZs involves government recouping a portion of the fines to cover the cost of the programme, with the rest returning to the council to be spent on transport projects or support the scrappage scheme. [...] ENGAGING THE PUBLIC IN DELIVERING AMBITIOUS AND FAIR ACTIONS The principles developed by our clean air panel show that the public support urgent action to improve air quality and want to be involved in meaningful opportunities to shape the future of their cities. [...] The Court, it seems, must keep the pressure on the government to ensure the compliance with the regulations and the Directive is actually achieved.” Judge in ClientEarth Case (RCJ 2018) In response, the UK government was instructed to draw up a plan, Improving Air Quality in the UK, which was followed in 2017 by the UK Plan for Tackling Roadside Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations. [...] LOCAL AUTHORITY DUTIES AND THE POWERS AVAILABLE TO THEM TO IMPROVE AIR QUALITY Local air quality management Smoke control Environmental permitting Monitoring and Enforcement of smoke Duty to publish a register assessment, if in control areas of all the permitted Primary exceedance, declare an Air installations in the local duties and Quality Management Area Enforcing trading area standards and cor.
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- Pages
- 44
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- United Kingdom