cover image: Pradeep Taneja Prabir De Biren Nanda Anshita Shukla


Pradeep Taneja Prabir De Biren Nanda Anshita Shukla

8 Nov 2023

DPG is deeply committed to the growth of India’s national power and purpose, the security and prosperity of the people of India and India’s contributions to the global public good. [...] Aside from the relatively low number of attendees at the head of state or government level, three things stand out about the Belt and Road Initiative, some arising from the latest iteration of the BRF and others noticeable from closer scrutiny of the development of BRI over the past decade. [...] and the peaceful settlement of maritime-territorial disputes in accordance with the established principles of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). [...] Besides, the ASEAN-India Joint Statement on Cooperation on the ‘ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific for Peace, Stability, and Prosperity in the Region (2021)’, and the ‘Joint Statement on ASEAN-India Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (2022)’ also come into play in driving the maritime cooperation activities between the two partners. [...] In the eastern Indian Ocean, India and Australia can cooperate in shaping a regional architecture in the Bay of Bengal which has emerged as a zone of economic and strategic competition in the region, and where China is developing connectivity corridors for its western provinces to the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean.


Raj Kumar Shahi

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