cover image: Beyond the News Cycle IVAN (Indigenous Voice in Asia Network) Regional Exchange (11 Nov 2023


Beyond the News Cycle IVAN (Indigenous Voice in Asia Network) Regional Exchange (11 Nov 2023

11 Nov 2023

On August 25-27, 2023, Indigenous broadcasters and communicators from the Philippines, Thailand, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Malaysia participated in a regional exchange of Indigenous journalists organized by the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact to discuss the access, voice, and representation of Indigenous Peoples in media in the Asian context As in many places around the world, the media. [...] "Colonization of the mind" is a concept introduced by the Trinidadian psychiatrist and theorist Frantz Fanon in his book "The Wretched of the Earth." The idea of colonization of the mind suggests that colonial powers not only exert control over the physical aspects of a territory but also manipulate the perceptions, aspirations, and self-perceptions of the colonized population.  This is achieved t. [...] Among the characteristics of the captive mind are the inability to be creative and raise original problems, the inability to devise original analytical methods, and alienation from the main issues of indigenous society. [...] Indigenous issues are only featured in the media in times of bloodshed and during elections.  The difference between the time of the bombings and now is that Indigenous communities now have Indigenous journalists. [...] The goal of the organization is for Indigenous youth to have the capacity to produce and use high- quality media with the participation and encouragement of their elders, using these media to raise awareness of important issues to their communities and to relevant stakeholders.
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