cover image: United Nations  ECE Economic and Social Council - Economic Commission for Europe


United Nations ECE Economic and Social Council - Economic Commission for Europe

7 Nov 2023

5 Decision 2022 – 4b.2 (ECE/CECI/2022/2): Regarding the continued use of the name “People-first PPPs for the SDGs”, the Committee took note of the results of the information consultations conducted with interested delegations on the matter since the fifth session of the Working Party on PPPs in November 2021, and decided to: i. [...] Thus, the PPPs for the SDGs6are designed to take the traditional PPPs to the next level of linking the design and performance of the PPPs to the achievement of the SDGs, in addition to the well-recognised performance parameters of road PPPs. [...] The public should therefore commit to maintain the costs of the PPP project, in particular during the project initiation process, and balance this against the other immediate needs of the public budget, for example highway maintenance and traditional public procurement and investment in transport. [...] The assessment includes the capacity and sophistication of local contractors, the ability of local banks to lend money for road PPP projects, the capacity and quality of the insurance market, and the robustness of the contract structure and legal framework underpinning it. [...] 22 ECE/CECI/WP/PPP/2023/8 Annex [English only] Indicators for compliance of sustainable development goals In addition to the performance parameters listed in the main text of the document, related to the technical aspects of road management, PPPs for the SDGs must also include indicators to monitor the outputs, outcomes and impacts of the project.
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