cover image: Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2023 - Regulatory Impact Statement


Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2023 - Regulatory Impact Statement

14 Nov 2023

Objectives sought to be achieved by the Draft MPTG Regulation The objective of the MPTG Regulation is to support the purpose of the MPTG Act and minimise the risks to the public and patient safety related to misuse and abuse of medicines and poisons and the risk of diversion of high-risk substances to the illegal supply chain. [...] Periodical inventory of stock The PTGR requires people authorised to be in The MPTG Regulation would increase the number of The purpose of this change is to reduce the risk of of drugs of addiction possession of a drug of addiction (Schedule 8 times that an inventory of stock of drugs of addiction diversion of these substances, as there are many (Schedule 8 substances) substance) to keep a drug re. [...] The first section assesses the expected impacts of the Base Case (i.e., of letting the PTGR sunset and not replacing it with the new Regulation) and the second section assesses the impacts of the proposed Draft MPTG Regulation (Option 2) against the status quo, i.e., remaking the PTGR (Option 1). [...] To achieve these ends, the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 requires a RIS to contain certain information including: — an analysis of the nature and extent of the problem sought to be addressed by the regulation and establishing the need for regulation — a statement of the objectives sought to be achieved by the regulation — the identification of the alternative options by which those objectives c. [...] By imposing restrictions on the distribution, prescription and administration of these substances, the Regulation reduces the threat to the health and safety of the people of NSW posed by the misuse, abuse and illicit diversion of these substances.


Ann Raleigh

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