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Yemen International Forum 2023 - Pathways to a Just, Inclusive and Sustainable Peace

31 Oct 2023

The Yemen International Forum 2022 Yemen International Forum 2023 Pathways to a Just, Inclusive and Sustainable Peace October 30, 2023 Table of Contents Message from the YIF Director 4 About the Yemen International Forum 5 The Yemen International Forum 2023 was organized by the Sana’a The YIF 2023 Agenda 6 Center for Strategic Studies and hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom o. [...] A technical group composed of different national security experts was formed following the YIF to explore workable solutions to the rise of armed groups in the country 1 A Roadmap for Transitional Justice: One of the boldest messages of the YIF 2023 6 Integration of Local Mediators: Local mediators continue to do the bulk of was asserting the need for transitional justice to prevent future cycles. [...] 3 Renewed Pledge to Stop the Systematic Exclusion of Women: Faced with a worrying setback in women’s rights and an increase in gender-based violence since 8 Engaging the Private Sector in Economic Recovery: The private sector has played the start of the war, the international community and the UN must do more to use their a vital role in mitigating the effects of the ongoing conflict and in fillin. [...] Key Outcomes In Brief 14 YEMEN INTERNATIONAL FORUM 15 From a Place of Peace From the heart of the Peace Palace in the Hague, Maged al-Madhaji, Chairperson and Co-founder of the Sana’a Center, told participants that the convening the Forum did not mean peace was imminent, but that the YIF serves to reflect the aspirations of Yemenis and build consensus on practical visions and ideas for the future. [...] The YIF took place just weeks after the Southern Consultative Meeting was launched by the STC on May 4, 2023, bringing together a range of southern actors and leading to the announcement of the STC-led Southern National Charter Some YIF participants underscored the need for STC-led consultations to be more inclusive of the various southern parties, and in response, the STC noted that the Southern.


Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies

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