cover image: Older Persons and the Right to Adequate


Older Persons and the Right to Adequate

1 Apr 2022

We also consider the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older persons’ right to housing and the innovative strategies adopted early in the 4 pandemic to temporarily seek to end homelessness as a protective measure to stop the spread of the pandemic and protect persons experiencing homelessness (Q6). [...] In Part 4, we examine the protection of the right to adequate housing of older persons at the international level and focus on the protection of the right to adequate housing at a national level in Australia and also at a provincial level, focussing on the state of Victoria in which the Castan Centre is based (Q1, 9, 10). [...] This section focuses in particular on the right to adequate housing, and the rights to equality and non-discrimination under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. [...] in that case, the plaintiffs (a mother and teenage son who were public housing tenants) challenged (a) the decision of the DOH to issue a notice to vacate, (b) the decision of VCAT to grant possession of the premises following the notice to vacate; (c) the decision of the DOH to apply for a warrant of possession of the premises; and finally (d) the decision of VCAT to issue the warrant of possessi. [...] 4.3 Strategies, Actions Plans, and Support Programmes for the Fulfilment of the Right to Adequate Housing of Older Persons Strategies and action plans for the fulfilment of the right to adequate housing are diffused across each level of government.
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