cover image: Corruption in Hadramawt’s Electricity Sector By: Ali  Yah ya Ab dullah, N abhan A bdullah  bin


Corruption in Hadramawt’s Electricity Sector By: Ali Yah ya Ab dullah, N abhan A bdullah bin

5 Nov 2023

Although the governorate is far from the frontlines and home to most of the country’s oil reserves, it has not escaped destabilizing aspects of the conflict, including the erosion of the rule of law and the emergence of war profiteering. [...] 4 CORRUPTION IN HADRAMAWT’S ELECTRICITY SECTOR I ntroduction Hadramawt is the largest governorate in Yemen, constituting more than one-third of the total area of the country and having one of its longest coastlines.[1] It is part of the Yemeni government’s so-called “triangle of power,”[2] and together with neighboring Marib and Shabwa governorates contains all of the country’s oil and gas product. [...] The decision to focus on the electricity sector in this policy brief was informed by meetings of the Hadramawt Strategic Thinking Group, a platform that seeks to achieve a greater understanding of local dynamics and propose solutions to address the core needs of residents of the governorate. [...] (For example, the governor should serve as the committee’s chairman.) • Under Article 511, public tenders should be announced in the name of the relevant body in the central authority and in the name of the concerned local council. [...] In order to overcome the unresponsiveness of the judiciary, coordination between the anti-corruption agencies and the judiciary should be enhanced, and safeguards should be implemented to insulate the judiciary from interference from the executive authority.


Ali Yahya Abdullah, Nabhan Abdullah bin Nabhan, and Casey Coombs

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