cover image: UNITED NATIONS Report of the Meeting


UNITED NATIONS Report of the Meeting

22 Nov 2023

The Meeting acknowledged the progress in the implementation of the EcAp Roadmap, and took note of the outcomes of the independent evaluation of the EcAp Roadmap and the elements for a renewed Roadmap as presented in Annex III in the Conclusions and Recommendations of the Meeting, and agreed that these are a valuable source of information to be considered, as appropriate, among others, during the p. [...] The Meeting reviewed and took note of the outcomes of the independent evaluation of the Ecosystem Approach Roadmap, as well as the main elements for a renewed Ecosystem Approach Roadmap and agreed with the proposal of the Secretariat regarding the next steps for considering its outcomes as appropriate during the process for the preparation of the revised ECAP Roadmap, and the revised IMAP as appro. [...] After hearing the explanations of the Secretariat on the structure and the content of the Executive Summary, which were both built on previous practices, the Meeting requested the Secretariat to include in the Executive Summary the findings of the assessment and the recommendations on measures, as agreed by the Integrated CORMONs, referring in particular to the measures related to Pollution cluste. [...] According to the Barcelona Convention, the Mediterranean Sea is “bounded to the West by the meridian passing through Cape Spartel lighthouse, at the entrance of the Straits of Gibraltar, and to the East by the southern limits of the Straits of the Dardanelles between Mehmetcik and Kumkale lighthouses”. [...] In this context, building on the global momentum created by the landmark 1992 Rio Conference, the MAP Coordinating Unit facilitated a consultation process that led to the adoption by the Contracting Parties, in June 1995, of the Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Sustainable Development of the Coastal Areas of the Mediterranean (MAP Phase II) and the amended Barcelona.


Ilias Mavroeidis

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