cover image: Arun Sahgal Angana Guha Roy Sanket Joshi


Arun Sahgal Angana Guha Roy Sanket Joshi

6 Nov 2023

DPG is deeply committed to the growth of India’s national power and purpose, the security and prosperity of the people of India and India’s contributions to the global public good. [...] The lack of progress in dispute resolution signifies that the standoff will continue for the fourth winter in succession.1 In a significant development, commercial satellite imagery indicated, China which had deployed Combined Arms Brigade (CAB) in the proximity to the clash site at Lampug in Tsona Dzong during the standoff in Yangtze, has redeployed these to Ritang in Lhontse Dzong in the proximi. [...] During the visit, China and Bhutan held their 25th round of boundary talks and signed a Cooperation Agreement on the “Responsibilities and Functions of the Joint Technical Team (JTT) on the Delimitation and Demarcation of the Bhutan-China Boundary.” This advances their 3-Step Roadmap initiated in 2021 for border resolution, building on the positive momentum since their last talks in 2016. [...] “China and the United States must demonstrate the broadmindedness, vision and responsibility of major countries, enhancing the well-being of the two peoples and promoting progress of human society,” he further added.20 Commenting on the present state of US-China relations, analysts stressed that the bilateral relations remain fraught. [...] He added that next year, when China and the US mark 45 years of the establishment of diplomatic ties - the two countries must find a "right way" to get along.22 The lack of regular communications between the US and Chinese militaries has been a persistent worry for Washington amid tensions between the countries and the risk of an accidental clash in the South China Sea or near Taiwan.



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