cover image: UNWR A P P E D 2023 Audit Report 6.30


UNWR A P P E D 2023 Audit Report 6.30

2 Nov 2023

While Coles, attributable to the existence of a sustainability Woolworths and Aldi all own and run each of team, commitment to the 2025 National their retail stores, Metcash runs a franchise, Packaging Targets (along with Coles, Aldi allowing each IGA and Foodland store to be and Metcash), and the provision of guidelines run independently. [...] To encourage transparent on both weight and units of plastic packaging reporting and to highlight transparency of overall or by polymer, making it difficult data achievements, points were allocated for for consumers to trust the veracity of the providing plastic packaging data in volume information provided. [...] Aldi’s targets cover not only the 2025 National Packaging Targets and ANZPAC plastics pact targets, but also include some of its own targets such as decreasing the amount of plastic in the fresh produce section, and reducing or replacing difficult to recycle packaging.34 Aldi is on track to achieving all but two goals - the phase out of problematic and single-use plastic by the end of 2020 (a targ. [...] Aldi is also the only supermarkets, and over future years will supermarket with a goal to reduce plastic in allow the public to track the impact of the fresh produce – while its target has not been supermarket’s plastic reduction efforts in defined, as of 2022 it has reduced plastic on real terms. [...] Supermarkets are critical to “A ccelerating the uptake of facilitating reuse culture reusable packaging and working As the primary source of household food, with businesses to expand the bathroom and cleaning products, supermarkets range of applications for its use are well placed to implement reuse options is a critical element of not only for consumers, and to influence consumer achieving the 20.
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