cover image: Addressing the Climate Crisis in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

Addressing the Climate Crisis in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

30 Nov 2023

Climate change is now widely recognised as a ‘threat multiplier’ for international peace and security. The field that analyses the impacts of the climate crisis on peace and security, particularly in fragile and conflict-affected settings (FCAS), is often referred to as the Climate Peace Security Nexus. Why does this field matter? The Climate Peace Security Nexus matters because there is indisputable evidence on the interrelation between climate change, peace and security. Climate change disproportionately impacts vulnerable and marginalised population groups, especially children, youth, women and the forcibly displaced. Climate stress is proven to double the risk of violent conflict outbreak. At the same time, manifestations of fragility and insecurity influence the root causes of climate change and hamper climate adaptation and mitigation. There is now evidence that the negative impacts of climate change are rolling back on, and further jeopardising, development gains.
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