cover image: Engaging for better nutrition in Ghana: Collaboration among the Civil Society Alliance, SUN Government Focal Point and


Engaging for better nutrition in Ghana: Collaboration among the Civil Society Alliance, SUN Government Focal Point and

27 Oct 2023

The inclusion of the SUN included in the African Union 2003 Maputo Declaration, Civil Society Alliance (CSA) in Ghana in all consultative the 2014 Malabo Declaration, the Africa Regional Nutrition meetings, dialogues and conferences – and its active Strategy 2015–2025, the African Common Position on participation in national MSPs – has helped intensify Food Systems, and the African Union’s Agenda. [...] with the Ghana SUN CSA to address the root causes of food and nutrition insecurity, in line with the Medium-Term The dialogues have led to the development and validation National Development Policy Framework (2022–2025). [...] Activities also took part in an interministerial dialogue in March included the organisation of workshops and round-table 2021 that resulted in a “consensus statement” by the conferences for key ministries, departments and agencies, Government acknowledging the value of the food systems including the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the Ministry approach in delivering healthy diets and better nut. [...] In consolidating this The Ghan SUN CSA has also encouraged and supported effort at the national level, with the support of the SUN the formation of the Business Network which has Government Focal Point, the Ghana SUN CSA engaged struggled for more than five years through sharing of ideas district-level policy influencers in embracing the SUN on network formation and membership drive. [...] Ghana CSA Movement and worked with the SUN CSA to form new continue to support the national MSP in technical work 3 | Action brief: E ngaging for better nutrition in Ghana: Collaboration among the Civil Society Alliance, SUN Government Focal Point and wider Multi-Stakeholder Platform members by providing inputs and useful suggestions in the drafting Other notable documents developed by the working.
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