cover image: 2023 Proposed National Municipal Policy Table of Contents - Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations (FAIR)


2023 Proposed National Municipal Policy Table of Contents - Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations (FAIR)

7 Nov 2023

Department of 10 Defense has responsibilities for development and maintenance of waterways and harbors and for 11 other water resource projects across the nation, and is the primary federal agency associated with 12 the design and construction of flood damage risk reduction projects across the country; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) works with the Army 15. [...] Army Corps of Engineers and the White House Office of Management and Budget to 62 revise the benefit-cost analysis system used for projects to reflect the values of the nation to 63 protect communities from flooding in ways that are environmentally protective and foster social 64 equity; and 65 66 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that NLC calls on the Army Corps and OMB to add a 67 quantitative indexed valu. [...] and Mexico; and 54 55 WHEREAS, the ease of trade and commerce has resulted in increased vehicle and factory 56 emissions, which negatively impact the water quality, land quality and air quality of the areas 57 along the southern border; and 58 59 WHEREAS, border communities need modernized and innovative water infrastructure to 60 provide clean and sanitary drinking water to improve the quality of. [...] 34 35 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National League of Cities (NLC) urges 36 Congress and the Department of Defense to provide the criteria and scoring of installations and 37 surrounding communities from previous rounds of base realignment and closure to allow 38 communities to better prepare themselves against potential closure of the installation and to work 39 closely with the install. [...] 38 39 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National League of Cities congratulates and 40 applauds the members of the National Housing Task Force for their work and participation; and 41 42 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National League of Cities endorses the findings and 43 recommendations of NLC’s National Housing Task Force Report “Homeward Bound, the Road 44 to Affordable Housing; and 45 46.


Dion Taylor

Published in
United States of America