cover image: Iran Update, November 24, 2023


Iran Update, November 24, 2023

25 Nov 2023

The military spokesperson of the al Quds Brigades—the military wing of PIJ—said on November 23 that the militia is committed to the pause during the period of humanitarian truce.[11] The spokesperson said that the militia would release an unspecified number of its hostages.[12] The al Quds Brigades claimed that an Israeli hostage died due to Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip while in the militi. [...] The al Qassem Brigades claimed it fired mortars and rockets at three Israeli military sites in southern Israel on November 23.[31] The al Quds Brigades claimed a mortar attack in southern Israel on November 23.[32] NOTE: The IDF said that its forces are stationed along ceasefire lines across the Gaza Strip during the pause in fighting. [...] The al Quds Brigades’ Tulkarm Battalion issued a military statement on November 23 that its soldiers are still engaged in the Battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood with full force on the front line.[42] It also claimed that the group’s weapons are deployed in all areas.[43] The Tulkarm Battalion took heavy causalities, including two commanders, in clashes with Israeli forces during a raid on November 22.[44. [...] 10 Institute for the Study of War and AEI’s Critical Threats Project 2023 11 Institute for the Study of War and AEI’s Critical Threats Project 2023 Israel Battle Map November 24%2C2023.png Iran and Axis of Resistance Axis of Resistance campaign objectives: • Demonstrate the capability and willingness of Iran and the Axis of Resistance t. [...] Walai framed the pause in fighting as a victory for Iran’s so-called Axis of Resistance and stated that Iranian-backed Iraqi militias “forced the enemy to submit to the conditions of the resistance.”[57] Walai also called upon the Islamic Resistance in Iraq to monitor the implementation of the pause in fighting and to act accordingly to support the Palestinian resistance.


Kendrick Frankel

Published in
United States of America