cover image: policy report PROGRESSIVE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT TOOLKIT - building local democratic economies


policy report PROGRESSIVE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT TOOLKIT - building local democratic economies

30 Nov 2023

Intending to make Zanzibar a zero-waste island, the municipal government took the first steps to replicate the pilot project in the Mpendae area in April 2018, when two composting pits were constructed to cater to the area’s 150 houses.²³ In February 2019, the Municipal Council approved bylaws to ensure that the segregation and recycling of waste are adopted across the island.²⁴ The successful imp. [...] The alliance was signed solely by non-profit actors in Barcelona’s local housing sector, including the Association of Social Housing Managers (GHS),⁵⁸ the Social and Solidarity Economy Network (XES),⁵⁹ the Federation of Housing Cooperatives,⁶⁰ and the Coordinator of Social Housing Foundations.⁶¹ Through the agreement, the city council hopes to reduce the time taken in awarding ten- ders to address. [...] Strengthening the position of women and of the local farmer community to increase their bargaining power and political influence is a major focus of the cooperative and its founding member and president, Váleria Macoratti.⁸⁴ FOUNDING AND EARLY STRUGGLES From the start, the cooperative received strong support from the municipality of São Paulo, which viewed it as highly beneficial to promote organi. [...] COLLABORATION BETWEEN WASTE PICKERS’ ASSOCIATIONS AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF BELO HORIZONTE In September 2019, after many years of dialogue between the informal waste collectors of Belo Horizonte and the city, the municipality awarded contracts for the collection of separated waste to six local workers' cooperatives and associations.¹¹⁴ The process was facilitated by the formation of several associa-. [...] In September 2022, SLU announced that due to the successful implementation of the door-to-door collection services and an increase in demand for the ser- vice, the collection would be extended to eight more neighbourhoods, serving a total of 55 neighbourhoods in the city.¹¹⁹ In combination with the extension of the collection zones, the cooperative workers carried out information cam- paigns to ed.
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