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AFGHANISTAN - Update on Taliban decrees and directives affecting the humanitarian response - OVERVIEW KEY FINDINGS

1 Dec 2023

• Out of the 23 decrees and directives, 6 directly affected the modalities of the humanitarian response in the education and health sectors. [...] • Fourteen of the decrees and directives exclusively targeted women, while nine affected both men and women, demonstrating the centrality in the ITA’s political agenda of the curtailing of women’s role in public life. [...] This The research team was able to obtain the official text of the respective decrees or directives report provides an update on these decisions, covering the period between the publication in ten cases and the paraphrased version from media outlets in the other 13 cases. [...] The of ACAPS’ baseline report in April 2023 and October 2023, and situates them within the ITA’s analysis of the latter cases was, strictly speaking, an analysis of the journalists’ account of wider approach to governance and international engagement. [...] meetings, the MoE appears to frame its decision on CBE in reference to ‘localisation’, which is also a key concept of the Global Education Cluster’s policy on the localisation of education The ITA decisions on education reflect the views of the ITA’s most conservative constituency, programmes that emphasises prioritising local NGOs in the implementation of educational which believes that prohibiti.
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